Hearthstone Clown Druid Top 500 Legend (Big Druid)


Overgrowth, Wild Growth, Nature Studies, Innervate (If you have Ramp or Draw Already in hand), Guess the Weight, Lunar Eclipse and Crystal Power (only into aggro because you can play it basically for free with another spell)

Overview: Basically your goal is to ramp, draw your win conditions, Play your "Midgame" Cards of Corrupted Moontouch Amulet, Cenarian Ward, and Anubisath Defender (with a spell) to survive to your late game (Survival of the Fittest, Carnival Clown, and the Old Gods).

If you don't want to run Yogg because its a bit greedy, take it out for another Umbral Owl or Wild Growth whichever you want (but I would choose the Owl.


Aggro: Basically just keep removal along with your usual keep and use it to remove the board on the early turns before you ramp. Your gameplan is the same as usual.

Midrange Same as Overview

Control Same as Overview




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