Zoolock Descent of Dragons Warlock Deck

Zoolock is probably going to make a comeback in the new Hearthstone Expansion, Descent of Dragons. The Invoke allows for the production of minions, you have fuel as Warlock because of your card draw hero power, but also some of the minions that generate resources. You can produce a super wide board in a meta that I think will start off super slow and over-prioritize Galakrond. This deck will get you up several ranks at the start of the new expansion if you want to play it a bit.

So this Hearthstone deck is extremely fast and has a couple deathrattle minions that synergize with your other cards, but also plays around board wipe because it could leave you with a minion up. Because of this and the fact that you have a ton of extra card draw you don't need to play around removal as much and you can commit even more to aggro. Not ONLY that, but with a few of the bombs and big minions in this deck you actually have what it takes to compete late game and potentially finish off your opponent if either 1) RNG goes your way, or 2) they can't deal with your dragon on the turn after you play it.


  • Always keep Flame Imp, he is just a lot of pressure. Additionally, keep pretty much all the 1 drops you can to quickly flood the board (Not Soularium). 2 Drops are tricky and should be focused on as follows. Knife Juggler is really nice to have, the next best thing to have is EVIL Genius because he can create units and either you use it on a deathrattle minion or you just use it on a minion after it attacks, the egs you should really only keep if you have a way to pump them or kill them in hand, I hate having just empty eggs as my 2 drop with this deck unless I know I will snowball the next turn.
  • Into Control you actually don't have to play around removal as much for the reasons I stated earlier (card draw and several deathrattles). I mean it is always nice to have a minion or 2 in hand to restabilize but if you wanna go aggro which sometimes you have to do into control as a hail mary, just dump your hand and hope he doesn't have lethal IF you are setting up for lethal the next turn. This is all the main removal you have to watch out for (updated for Descent of Dragons pretty much)
    • Priest now has a 2 damage removal on turn 3. (Mass Hysteria turn 5)
    • Warrior has Double Warpath turn 4 (Brawl turn 5)
    • Warlock has Hellfire turn 4 (GODFRY STILL EXISTS TURN 7!!!)
    • Mage has Blastwave and their new Meteor Mini on turn 5.
    • Pally might have Consecrate turn 4.
    • Shaman has Lightning Storm and Lightning Breath turn 3. (Hagatha's scheme turn 5).



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