
Hearthstone Clown Druid Top 500 Legend (Big Druid)

Mulligans: Overgrowth , Wild Growth , Nature Studies , Innervate (If you have Ramp or Draw Already in hand), Guess the Weight , Lunar Eclipse and Crystal Power  (only into aggro because you can play it basically for free with another spell) Overview: Basically your goal is to ramp, draw your win conditions, Play your "Midgame" Cards of Corrupted Moontouch Amulet, Cenarian Ward, and Anubisath Defender (with a spell) to survive to your late game (Survival of the Fittest, Carnival Clown, and the Old Gods). If you don't want to run Yogg because its a bit greedy, take it out for another Umbral Owl or Wild Growth whichever you want (but I would choose the Owl. Matchups: Aggro: Basically just keep removal along with your usual keep and use it to remove the board on the early turns before you ramp. Your gameplan is the same as usual. Midrange Same as Overview Control Same as Overview Video: AAECAZICBOQIndgD/N4DleADDf4BuZQD76ID26UD6LoDm84DutAD/tsDieADouEDpOED0eED5uEDAA==

In-Depth Galakrond Warrior Guide

I would just like to say before I start this that MrMockRock made a guide to a different version of this deck (revolves more around dragons) so after you check my guide out you should give his a look to see if you like that build better. Last Season I was Legend 669, I have proof on my twitter. Overview: This deck became strong in the meta when Face Hunter was at its peak (which is kinda ironic because I made a guide on Face Hunter and now I am talking about one of its biggest counters). This deck revolves primarily around controlling the board with minions, board wipe with Brawl and Scion of Ruin, and your Invoke. After you have used your Invoke several times to control the board you can transition into using it for aggro after you play Galakrond and get your buffed minions. This is when the whole strategy of the deck changes because your buffed minions allow you to have 2 ma...

In-Depth Face Hunter Guide

Don’t leave just because this is a Face Hunter Deck, give this guide a chance XD. (Starting with a simple deck because if people don’t like these guides I didn’t want to waste my time on a deck that was a little more complex). Last Season I was Legend 669, and this season I have been having more fun trying out new decks so my rank is only 5 but I AM a legend player, I have proof on my twitter. Overview: So obviously the whole goal of this deck is to go face, and to go face HARD. You can use the various synergies cards have with your hero power to gain an advantage on the board and you don’t actually need to rely on many minions to win games because of how much value you get out of your hero power. This deck has an insanely good matchup against Mage, Shaman, Warlock. This deck goes even with a slight advantage against Hunter (cause it beats highlander), Warrior (cause you get a little more value out of aggro then they do in the short term), and Rogue (they either buff their hand a...

Zoolock Descent of Dragons Warlock Deck

Zoolock is probably going to make a comeback in the new Hearthstone Expansion, Descent of Dragons. The Invoke allows for the production of minions, you have fuel as Warlock because of your card draw hero power, but also some of the minions that generate resources. You can produce a super wide board in a meta that I think will start off super slow and over-prioritize Galakrond. This deck will get you up several ranks at the start of the new expansion if you want to play it a bit. So this Hearthstone deck is extremely fast and has a couple deathrattle minions that synergize with your other cards, but also plays around board wipe because it could leave you with a minion up. Because of this and the fact that you have a ton of extra card draw you don't need to play around removal as much and you can commit even more to aggro. Not ONLY that, but with a few of the bombs and big minions in this deck you actually have what it takes to compete late game and potentially finish off your oppo...

Sidequest Aggro Beast Hunter Deck Descent of Dragons

This Descent of Dragons Hearthstone Deck is your standard Aggro Beast Hunter that is made up of all beasts so that Masters Call and Dire Frenzy can have perfect synergy. This deck IS an aggro deck that is meant to go face and win early, but thanks to Dire Frenzy, Unleash the Beast, and Zul'Jin, this deck actually has some pretty massive late-game plays that ALSO recasts your sidequests which are just meant for more power. This Deck has so much strength and I think that it will beat the slower value meta that Descent of Dragons will bring Hearthstone. Because of all the rush minions you have a great time into aggro, you can make value trades and keep the enemy board small and outvalue the opponent with all your draw and eventual late game power spikes. Not only that, but some minions produce more minions that will make 1 for 1 trades even better (Springpaw, Hench-Clan Hogsteed, and Diving Gryphon). Into Control you have to apply as much pressure as you can and try to rush the...

Treant Druid Deck Guide Descent of Dragons

Treant Druid (Descent of Dragons) is a Hearthstone deck that is extremely similar to Token Druid in previous metas but has a slightly worse ability to go wide but overall has more synergy and has the ability to draw cards. The main goal of this deck is to establish board control which is not that hard to do because of all the minions you produce. The real power of this deck comes from the ability for this deck to value trade into minions and pump itself up to make it stickier on the board. You HAVE to value trade and slowly develop a board into aggro and pump it as you go because this deck has no removal of its own. You Have to develop a board and pump it as quickly as you can into control decks but hold a card or 2 back on turns you think their will be removal.  Priest now has a 2 damage removal on turn 3. (Mass Hysteria turn 5) Warrior has Double Warpath turn 4 (Brawl turn 5) Warlock has Hellfire turn 4 (GODFRY STILL EXISTS TURN 7!!!) Mage has Blastwave and their new ...